Grades 1-5
Before & After School Program

Grades 1-5 Before & After School Program at GEARS
Our Before & After School Program is for children in 1st – 5th grade attending Bainbridge, East High, or Bear Creek Elementary Schools. Kindergartners use the after school program as part of their wrap around care. If you are looking for Kindergarten Before & After School, please scroll down to the Kindergarten Program.
We are open from 6:30 am until the start of school and again from the end of the school day until 6 pm. We are located directly in the schools so you simply drop off and pick up your child at the school your child attends. We provide a breakfast program and an afternoon snack.
Our curriculum follows the PA Learning Standards and provides activities in all areas. Children have time for homework, rest, play and active games. GEARS Kids Center focuses on social, emotional and interpersonal skills. We help children solve problems and handle their emotions in a constructive and acceptable way.
We also offer opportunities to learn life skills such as cooking, sewing, addressing an envelope and more!
Call the Kids Center: (717) 367-0119