Help Us Help Others
Fitness Activities
Make a difference to the health and wellness of seniors. Sponsor a weekly exercise session. Possibilities include Zumba Gold, Chair Yoga, or a Dance Class. Perhaps your agency would provide the instructor.
Take Home Containers
Your donation will provide take home containers for frozen meals and snacks. Containers will be labeled with your company name.
Bingo at Fall Festival
We will be hosting bingo at GEARS Fall Festival
on October 22, 2022 from 10 am - 2 pm.
Event Sponsor $300
Prize Sponsor $100
Make An Online Donation
The simplest way to support the Senior Center is by making an Online Donation. It's easy to donate online… just click the DONATE ONLINE button (below) which opens a PayPal donation portal (don't worry, you won't be required to have a PayPal account). Enter your preferred amount. Select Senior Center (if you prefer) in the drop-down function, and then choose your payment method.
It's all very secure. GIVE IT A TRY!
Special Events
Call the Senior Center for available months and theme. Possible themes include traditional holidays and/or fun themes as Gorgeous Grandma Day, Country Day, American Hobo Day etc…Your donation provides entertainment and party decorations for an event.
Additional Event Possibilities include, but are not limited to:
September: National Senior Center Month
October: Octoberfest
November: Thanksgiving
December: Christmas
How to Support Us
Take advantage of sponsorship opportunities today! Download our Sponsorship Form or donate online through the DONATE link located in the top right hand corner of this website.
Thank you for your consideration.