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Parent & Child Swimming

Parents will participate in the pool with their child. This class is designed to help young children feel comfortable in and around the water. Ages 6 months to 3 years old.

  • Sat  Jan 4-Feb 22
  • 8-8:30 am (6-24 months) (Class A)
  • 8:40-9:10 am (2-3 years) (Class B)
  • MV Patton Pool
  • $100 ($110 NR) 


  • Sat  March 15-May 10 (No Class April 19)
  • 8-8:30 am (6-24 months) (Class A)
  • 8:40-9:10 am (2-3 years) (Class B)
  • MV Patton Pool
  • $100 ($110 NR) 

Swim Lessons

This program provides opportunities for achievement and allows smooth transition between levels of instruction. Activities offered at every level stimulate interest and motivate participants to advance to the next level of instruction. Preschool ages 4 & 5. Swim lessons ages 6+.

  • Session 1 Sat Jan 4-Feb 22 
    Session 2 Sat March 15-May 10                      (No Class April 19)

  • 9:20-9:50 am Preschool (Level I) (Tadpole) (Ages 4 & 5) (A)
  • 10-10:30 am Preschool (Level II) (Guppy) (Ages 4 & 5) (B)
  • 10:40-11:10 am (Level I) (Frog) (C)
  • 11:20-11:50 am (Level II) (Seahorse) (D)
  • 12-12:30 pm (Level III) (Seal) (E)
  • 12:40-1:10 pm (Level IV/V) (Dolphin/Shark) (F)
  • MV Patton Pool
  • $100 ($110 NR)

Swim Lessons Registration is via phone only (717-367-0355) to make sure each child gets put in the correct level.

Preschool Swim Lessons Descriptions
  • Tadpole (Preschool Level 1) – Introduction of basic aquatic skills and water adjustment. Skills are performed with assistance.
  • Guppy (Preschool Level 2) – Further development of aquatic skills at a slightly more advanced level. This level marks the beginning of independent aquatic locomotion skills.
Swim Lesson Descriptions
  • Frog (Level 1) – Introduction to Water Skills: Includes floating, kicking, and arm action.
  • Seahorse (Level 2) – Fundamental Aquatic Skills: Expand on fundamental aquatic locomotion including combined strokes on front and back and rhythmic breathing.
  • Seal (Level 3) – Stroke Development: Increase swimming skills including elementary backstroke and deep-water skills.
  • Dolphin (Level 4) – Stroke Improvement: Develop confidence and competency beyond proceeding levels, including breaststroke, sidestroke, and diving.
  • Shark (Level 5) – Stroke Refinement: Coordinate and refine keystrokes; Introduce the butterfly stroke, open turns, and a feet first surface dive.
  • Barracuda (Level 6)– Swimming and Skill Proficiency: Polish strokes to swim with more ease, efficiency, power, and smoothness over greater distances.


Aquacise Shallow water aerobics uses the resistance of water to deliver a great workout while increasing strength and flexibility. This low-impact water resistance training works to tone the legs, thighs, glutes, arms, and abs. Aquacise also helps improve balance and stability. Raeghyn Zeiset will instruct. Ages 14+

Tue and/or Thu 6:30-7:15 pm
Mar 18-May 22
$80/day ($90 NR)
$150 for 2 days/week ($170 NR)
MV Patton Pool

NOTE: To register for both days, please use the Tue/Thu Combo Class set up to receive the multi-day discount.


AquaFit Dive into this high-energy workout where every splash is a leap towards your fitness goals! Energizing and modern music, water resistance, interactive large group, and small group/partner drills with fun pool props all combine to make this the ultimate shallow water workout experience! Charla Lorenzen will instruct. Ages 14+

Mon and/or Wed 7:15-8:00 pm
Mar 17-May 21
$80/day ($90 NR)
$150 for 2 days/week ($170 NR)
MV Patton Pool

NOTE: To register for both days, please use the Mon/Wed Combo Class set up to receive the multi-day discount.

Father & Son

Have Questions?

Call: (717) 367-0355


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