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JOIN Our Team

Work for Us

We have part-time employment opportunities available throughout the year. We offer flexible hours and days, competitive wages and rewarding experiences. School year and summer part-time positions are frequently available, primarily working with youth programs.

If you have a skill or hobby you can teach to others, let us know. We look for experienced instructors in all areas of recreation. We always need volunteers to help us offer a variety of programs. Training is provided! We also hire college interns year-round.

We process and pay the costs of criminal and child abuse clearances for all potential staff, volunteers and interns. You must successfully pass the clearances to work or volunteer for GEARS.

Current Openings

GEARS is seeking an Aquatic Group Exercise Instructor for approximately 3 hours per week. Candidates should be an experienced Water Aerobics Instructor, or a Group Exercise Instructor excited to learn a new skill!

or call the GEARS office at (717) 367-0355

Have fun while you volunteer! We have plenty of opportunities for you to get involved in the community. You will truly feel like you’ve accomplished something and your talents will be appreciated, plus you’ll be making a difference in people’s lives.

If you’d like to volunteer with GEARS, please complete our Volunteer Application or contact

List of Volunteer Opportunities
  • Basketball Coach
  • Baseball Coach
  • Soccer Coach
  • Playground Junior Counselor
  • Camp Ladybug Counselor

Volunteer Application

We love college interns! We offer flexible work schedules, excellent on-the-job experiences, and a great work environment. Internships are available year-round.

Why should you intern with GEARS?

Here are a few good reasons:
  1. Build your skills and resume
  2. Develop a career network
  3. Enhance your education
  4. Get new life experiences
  5. Learn about, be a part of and create positive change in your community
  6. Earn extra money (a stipend or hourly wage) and maybe even class credit

Contact for more details. Remember to send your resume!

Need to build your resume? Leaders needed to organize and supervise Summer Playground sites in the Elizabethtown Area from June 16 through August 8.  Monday-Friday, approximately 20-25 hours per week (8:30am-12:15pm).  Individuals must be 18 years and older, have a desire to work with children ages 6-14, lead games and activities, demonstrate responsibility, and the ability to work well with others.

or call the GEARS office at (717) 367-0355

GEARS is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Father & Son

Have Questions?

Call: (717) 367-0355


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