Beginner Pickleball Lessons
Pickleball is a combination of tennis and badminton played on a badminton sized court with lightweight paddles and plastic perforated balls (much like wiffle balls). These elements produce exciting, long rallies which consist of volleys at the net and ground strokes similar to tennis. Pickleball is a fast-paced sport that is easy on the joints and quick to learn. If you’ve never played pickleball before, come join the fun with our beginner lessons where you will learn basic techniques, rules and strategies! All equipment provided.Ages 16+
EBIC Church Gym
Instructor: Brenda McBride
Wed (I) Jan 22, 29, Feb 5
Wed (II) Mar 12, 19, 26
10am-11am (indoor)
$50 ($60 NR)
Pick-Up Pickleball
All ages are invited to play in this doubles-play drop-in activity. Equipment is available. No pre-registration necessary and cash payment is due upon arrival each day/evening of participation.
Jan 7-Jan 28: 1:15pm-3:15pm CC Gym
Feb 4-Mar 25: 12:30pm-2:30pm EBIC Gym
Apr 1-May 27: 1:15pm-3:15pm CC Gym
Jan 8-Jan 29: 1:15pm-3:15pm CC Gym
Feb 5-Mar 26: No pick-up pickleball
Apr 2-May 28: 1:15pm-3:15pm CC Gym
Jan 3-Jan 31: 6-8pm CC Gym
Feb 7, 14, 28, Mar 14, 28: 6-8pm EBIC Gym
Apr 4-May 30: 6-8pm, CC Gym (no 4/18, 5/16)
$5/Day per person ($6/Day NR)
Donegal Pickleball Lessons
Pickleball is a combination of tennis and badminton played on a badminton sized court with lightweight paddles and plastic perforated balls (much like wiffle balls). These elements produce exciting, long rallies which consist of volleys at the net and ground strokes similar to tennis. Pickleball is a fast-paced sport that is easy on the joints and quick to learn. If you’ve never played pickleball before, come join the fun with our beginner lessons where you will learn basic techniques, rules and strategies! All equipment provided.Ages 14+
Legion Park Tennis/Pickleball Courts
Instructor: Pam Kaylor
Sat Apr 26 & May 3
9-10:30am (outdoor)
$50 ($60 NR)
Youth Pick-Up Pickleball
Now inviting youth to play in this new drop-in activity! Equipment is available. No pre-registration necessary. Cash payment is due upon arrival each day of participation. Limited to the first 16 participants each day & time due to gym space. Parents may spectate from the stage.
January 18 and January 25
1:30pm-3pm (Ages 10-13)
3:15pm-4:45pm (Ages 14-18)
CC Gym
$5/Day per person ($6/Day NR)